Club Rosa

If you’ve been directed to this page you are already a part of the community being created around our classes and playspace. We encourage the people who connect through our events, education, and space to continue to grow those connections.

To that end, you are invited to join the Sub Rosa Discord community! We are very excited to be launching this community tool this year (Feb 2023) to more fully serve and better engage with the Sub Rosa community. This Discord server will be comprised of YOU: members of the community who have rented our space, attended our classes and/or events, and folks who are interested in discussing and accessing more BDSM resources and networking in this community.

As Social Media platforms continue to shadowban, censor, and deplatform adult entrepreneurs, sex educators, and kink content, it is important for us to carve out safe spaces to share and discuss these topics. Our Discord will be a place to do just that.

If you’re new to using Discord you will find it is easy to set up (very similar to Slack if you used that before), there is a handy mobile and desktop app, and it is private and safer. No one but us has access to the content on our channels! (Some resource links: How to use Discord (video),
Beginners guide to Discord.)

Please review our community guidelines and click the button at the bottom of the page to join us.

Discord Community Guidelines

Welcome to the Sub Rosa Community Server, we aim to support the activities, education, and community created by our physical playspace in Portland, OR (owned by Natasha Strange and Viola Parker). We invite folks who have attended classes, rented the space, or are otherwise interested in FemDom-led community. This is a place where people can connect for BDSM resources, networking, support while exploring kink, a place where events and content can be shared.

As a private community run by FemDoms, we center women, femmes, trans folks, queer folks, and non-binary people. We welcome men to the space who understand and celebrate this, because the patriarchy has got their claws on all of our throats regardless of gender.


  1. Respect & Safety. Community safety is our first priority and we strive to maintain a positive and welcoming atmosphere for connection and self-expression. Participation in this server comes with an expectation of behavior – including use of inclusive language. Conduct, speech, or expressions that constitute harassment, discrimination, or bullying will not be tolerated, regardless of reason or intent. Members of this server agree to refrain from engaging in trolling, harassment, threats or other abusive behaviors. Hate speech, racism, homophobia, transphobia, body shaming, fatphobic language, whorephobia will not be tolerated and will result in removal from the server. If a person’s actions or comments make you feel uncomfortable/unsafe – interrupt directly if you feel comfortable and/or tell a Moderator.
  2. Privacy. Personal information and stories that are shared here stay here! Do not share info about club members, visitors, or clients without explicit permission. This includes talking about names, session details, calendar info, or other identifying information. We ask that, when sharing to the group, people declare when things are sharable. When in doubt, always ask! If you can’t ask or aren’t sure, assume you shouldn’t share. Same goes for internal details about the business of Sub Rosa.
  3. Consent. Obtaining consent is mandatory in all Sub Rosa settings including online interactions. Be aware that people may not want friend requests just because they share a server with you. DO NOT DIRECT MESSAGE (DM) SOMEONE HERE UNLESS THEY HAVE GIVEN EXPLICIT CONSENT FOR YOU TO DO SO. Make friends here first by chatting, attending events and getting to know them on this server before you ask to send that friend request. Direct messaging someone from this server without consent or sending inappropriate messages may result in removal from the server, temporarily or permanently. If we hear about members harassing other members they will be removed from the server immediately.
  4. Reporting/Accountability. If you need to report an incident of harm or concern please send a Direct Message to a Moderator. These messages will be confidential. We also have a feedback form here if you need to bring up a concern about a Moderator or leader (can be done anonymously or for follow-up).
    If you see a member of the community (including Mods or Leaders) doing or saying anything unsafe or hurtful, slipping into automatic behavior or implicit bias, please let us know. We agree to do the same for you. We agree to accept interventions as an act of caring about our health, safety, and awareness. We agree to give and receive feedback with trust and respect, so we can all mutually benefit.
  5. Conflict Resolution. If there is personal conflict between members, we agree to call in rather than call out (like putting someone on blast). Ask the person to have a conversation about the conflict and provide feedback. If you feel you need mediation for conflict, reach out to a Moderator to ask for support. We understand in this space that despite our best intentions, our impact on others can still be negative. We affirm that no matter the intentions, it’s important to center the impact of our actions.