We have been implementing some changes for the safety of ourselves and our renters. We are looking at the guidelines for re-opening for personal services as a basic guide, as well as implementing additional precautions. We are taking this seriously, and recognizing that this is going to be a risk until there is a vaccine. These are the steps to ensure the space is as clean and safe as possible for all who use it. In addition, we are not currently offering classes in our space, or any gatherings of above 4 people, to lower foot traffic, limit risk and transmission and provide a safe place to play.
And who doesn’t need a little escapist play about now!
Enhanced Safety Measures
- All renters are requested to arrived wearing a facemask. We will greet you in one as well.
- No outside shoes/jackets past the entry. Please hang up jackets by the door, take off shoes and place under the white bench.
- If you can answer yes to any of these questions please let us know and we can reschedule you! Yes – even the day of your appointment. Have you had a new or worsening cough? Have you had a fever? Have you had shortness of breath? Have you been in close contact with anyone with these symptoms or anyone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the past 14 days?
- We have a Alen BreatheSmart Classic True HEPA Air Purifier to help prevent droplet transmission. Some info about Covid 19 and air purifiers here.
- All rentals will have two hours in between them to allow for the air filter to circulate the entirety of the space at least twice.
- There is a touchless thermometer to check temps near the front door and we invite you to use it if you are meeting someone you are not quarantined with.
- Our service slut is doing a deep cleaning of the space twice a week.
- We are removing many of the shared toys. Unfortunately this means community rope and floggers are no longer available. Please bring your own. If that is not possible, let us know and we can work something out.
- Strip and replace sheets, if the bed is used at all, please strip the bed.
- If you bring food or drink, please take your garbage out.
- Furniture: No nudity on the red couch EVER, this just needs to be reiterated.
- You will receive a fresh hand towel and directions to find more if you need them. Please put all towels in the wash when you leave.
- As always, please leave any toys you used on a puppy pad, on the medical table so they can be disinfected.
- We disinfected high touch areas with bleach wipes: all door handles, light switches, keys, sink handles, teapot handle, toilet handles, etc in between all rentals.
- By ensuring these things and the below expectations from us and you, we want to ensure that our space is one of the cleanest and safest places during this time!
Contact Tracing: Please let us know if you get sick within two weeks of a visit so we can inform anyone in the space who was in the space 24 hours after your visit. No names or other information will be shared, it’s simply to allow for those who may have been exposed to protect themselves and others.
When leaving check in with staff to let them know which spaces you used. This will also help risk assessment when contacting people about a positive test result as well as focused clean up after your play.
Further Reading: As with most BDSM, this is a matter of risk tolerance and risk awareness. It is important to have conversations with those we are in contact with about how their risk tolerance falls in relation to our own. We have found this article by Evelin Dacker MD to be a good starting point.